"You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me."
-Clive Staples Lewis

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Great, Sun, Morning, Awe and some coffee

Had a spectacular camp fire with some friends last night. The fire was hot, the brews frosty and the conversation would have kept Professor Slughorn's hour glass still.
The topic of sun in the morning came up. How it can lift the spirits and bring forth immediate worship. I am at a coffee shop this morning and I got to watch the sun rise in The East and elation, contentment and mercy filled me. God's print is in all of nature but there are certain things that really strum with me.
Mountains. Majestic and scary. They can strike fear in me as well as my utmost humility.
Sunrises. Rebirth, new day and all that. The sun is such a gift. The daily sign that life goes on and we are not alone.
late for work now because of the stars in my eyes.