"You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me."
-Clive Staples Lewis

Sunday, May 16, 2010

One pill, two pill, three pill..bliss.

Aldous Huxley's dystopian novel, "Brave New World", may be the most haunting look at the future society of man that I have ever come in contact with. In contrast to Orwell's "1984", Huxley's futuristic civilization is controlled by pleasure and ease instead of force and fear. People are not scared of stepping out of line because they fear retribution, people are not even considering stepping out of line. Staying in line is easy and full of little delights. This is what makes Huxley's novel more plausible, in my opinion, than Orwell's. After the development of modern republican democracy, people have stopped putting up with cruel and oppressive governments. The Soviet Union is the most successful example of a gov. imposing it's absolute will with force and terror, and it lasted less than a century. For short term results, brutal tactics may be enjoyed and employed by tyrants. Hitler, Mussolini, and Hirohito tried to take over the world by acts of violence followed by forced obedience. This obviously did not take with the citizens of the rest of the world. Even if the Axis Powers had won World War Two, I believe that eventually an enormous rebellion would have taken place. People do not like to be suppressed against their will. We have had a taste of "government by the people" and we like doing things our way. If men and women of power ever want to get serious about world domination, then they will drop the goose-stepping gestapo act and become our buddy who lets us do what we will, shoving soma down our throats to ease our "suffering" in this harsh world. This is what Huxley saw and I think Bradbury as well with his myth "Fahrenheit 451". Be subversive and herd people into their pens. Give them the feeling of self rule and freedom, and bingo, world rule for a long time. Most people are idiots and will not yearn for true freedom as long as they have creature comforts. People do not want choice, they just don't want be pushed. What is spooky to me is the fact that this may have already happened. We may be living under "our Ford" already. Maybe you should not read this...we could have our one-way ticket punched to the Falklands already. I thank God that I have investments elsewhere besides this planetary dimension, so I will not need to escape this enslavement at the end of a rope in a secluded lighthouse. Mind you, without God that would be the only sensible and freeing option if our world ever becomes totally ruled by fleshly desires.

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