"You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me."
-Clive Staples Lewis

Thursday, November 1, 2012

What is going on?

I am not sure sometimes of what if happening around me. I look and hear about things but they do not make sense to me or maybe I do not make sense. It is one of those things.

I see people driving like Burt Reynolds every morning. They ride my butt, put their brights on in my rear view mirror to speed me up? (idiots. don't they know I have this sweet luxury option of flipping my mirror to darken images behind me?) The honk at me, flip me off and yell things at me that I cannot hear. All this is done because I am going 70 miles per hour in the slow lane. I then see them after the exit at the first stop light. I wish I had a pre made sign that reads, "You have just been Tortoised" What do people think when they fly around like bats outta hell? Really when it comes down to it, they MAYBE will save like 2 minutes off their trip. The Des Moines metro area is not very big. What goes on in their heads?

I heard two people talking the other day. In the same sentence, they spoke of how they hate how Obama promotes the murder of unborn children and then how it is a crime how he wants to pull our military out of countries. I agree that we should not kill babies but what about grown ups? War sucks and why would we not want to stop doing it? How can people promote the death of some but not of others? I know you can "make an argument" about how capitol punishment is for people who have "earned" death but in war soooooo many innocent people are killed. How did pro-life and pro-war get put in the same basket? What is going on here?

An offshoot of that...
Recently read an article that made me have to clean off vomit off of my shoes later, because I puked on my shoes after reading it.
If you do not click on the link and read it, I forgive you. Nobody likes praying to the porcelain god. the main thesis is this, we can literally kill children after they are born because of these reasons.
1. They really are not persons yet. They have not contributed to society yet so then they are not persons. WOW. Can you say slippery slope 5 times fast? I work with mentally disabled people. A lot of them will never "contribute" to society. So we should kill them? Elderly people who stay indoors all day and play pinnacle. They do not contribute to society. Kill them please. Sports commentators tell us things that do not help out our lives or our society. Kill them yes? People who go on the jerry springer show actually make our society regress. Do we chop their heads off? Do you see where I am going with this? A man with an odd little mustache and his cronies came up with this same idea about 80 years ago. They felt that, Jewish people, mentally ill and disabled people, gypsies, homosexuals, and just anyone that didn't fit their Uber Man mold did not contribute to society so it was OK to gas, shoot, burn and well ya...kill all of them.
2. This post-birth abortion is more attractive and better than giving the "unwanted child" up for adoption because a mother will go through so many painful emotions if she knows that somewhere out there is her child that she did not want to raise. However if the child is just killed then her pain will be short and sweet and the mother can move on with life because baby is dead and conveniently taken out back and thrown in a pit. (OK maybe not but there is now vomit on my keyboard and the keys get slick) I do not feel that I need to come up with a rebuttal for this load of shit. I am against killing but I am very much for slapping people.
My favorite part of this is that I heard of another person who promoted this similar thing. He said it was a natural population control since apes do this sort of thing. Oh wow, I did not realize that if we could find some action done by animals that we could also do that and be right. I think I may try to eat this guy if I see him.
"Please stop eating my leg!"
"Sorry man, T-Rex ate other dinosaurs and one guy off a toilet, soooo it is just nature's way of dealing with overpopulation."
"Oh well in that case, do try my back straps, they are delightful with cranberry sauce."
And this guy called people who are not for this, a bunch of fascists. What is going on here?

I am so excited for this stupid election to get over with. I really could care less anymore about who wins. The TV ads make me want to punch my own face so as to knock myself out. Maybe that is the point of all these asinine commercials. They make people so angry and sick that they will just stop caring. Well it has worked. It doesn't help that both men running for the Dems and the Repubs are super liars. Both will put us in more debt. Both will taxes my face off. Both will embarrass the United States in front of the world. Both will ignore one or more of the people groups of this country. What is going on here? A lose/lose situation is what is going on.

I hit several tee shots perfectly straight yesterday. That may be the biggest "what is going on" question I have. At least it does not make my shoes dirty.

Well, enough with the negative waves from me. I am going to go resist the urge to bury my head in the sand now.


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